كيفية كتابة المبالغ المالية في الشيك بالحروف بالعربية والفرنسية ؟
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
كيف أملأ صك بريدي comment remplir un chèque CCP |
ملئ الصك البريدي وكتابة الأعداد بالحروف:
اغلب مشتركي بريد الجزائر يعتبرون أن ملئ صك بريدي من البديهيات لكنهم ينسون أنهم هم كذلك لم يكون يعلمون بالطريقة الصحيحة لكتابة الشيك بالحروف أو الأرقام العربية أو الفرنسية، لذلك في هذا الموضوع سوف نشرح ونعلم الناس كيفية كتابة الشيك وما هي المعلومات الواجب كتابتها لتجنب رفضه من طرف العاملين في بريد الجزائر أو البنك.
للعلم ان اغلب الاخطاء تقع عند كتابة المبلغ بالحروف و لهذا يجب إعطاء أهمية كبيرة لهذه المرحلة من كتابة الشيك مهما كان نوعه سواء كان خاص بالحساب البريدي ccp او كان صك بنكيا و سواء كان خاص بشركة او خاص بفرد فالطريقة واحدة.
ومن الأسئلة الشائعة المطروحة لدى لمستعملي بريد الجزائر هي:
- كيف أملأ شيك أو صك بريدي للجزائريين ؟
- كيفية سحب الأموال من بريد الجزائر ؟
- كيفية ملأ صك بريدي جزائري بالعربية أو الفرنسية ؟
كيفية ملئ معلومات الشيك chèque ccp:
سوف نتعلم مع بعض الطريقة الصحيحة لملئ شيك بريدي جاري في الجزائر، بطريقة سهلة دون الحاجة إلى طلب مساعدة من شخص آخر، أو الوقوع في إحراج عدم القدرة على كتابة كافة المعلومات على الشيك البريدي بالشكل المطلوب والصحيح.
- أدخل المبلغ المالي على اليمين في المربع بالارقام وبالدينار الجزائري، وليس بالسنتيم.
- إدفعوا مقابل هذا الصك: هنا تضع المبلغ بالحروف وبالدينار الجزائري أيضا.
- لأمر: هنا تكتب “لي شخصيا” أو “نفس الشخص” إن كنت أنت من تسحب المال، أو تضع
- إسم ولقب شخص آخر إن كان هو من يسحب المال، شرط أن لا يتجاوز مبلغ السحب الـ 5000 دج في هذه الحالة.
- في: هنا تضع تاريخ يوم السحب.
- Le: هنا تضع مكان المركز البريدي الجاري السحب منه.
- إمضاء أسفل الشيك.
- إمضاء خلف الشيك.
هذه هي خطوات ملئ المعلومات على الشيك أو الصك البريدي الجاري بالتفصيل.
أما الإشكال الذي يقع فيه الكثير من المتعاملين لدى مؤسسة بريد الجزائر، هو كيفية ملأ الخانة 1 و 2 والخاصة بكتابة المبلغ المالي المراد سحبه على الشيك بالأرقام والحروف، لذلك سنريكم الطريقة والكيفية الصحيحة لعمل ذلك وتدوين المبلغ بشكل صحيح، وللعلم نطبق هذه الطريقة مع كل المبالغ عند تعبئة شيك أو صك بريدي للجزائريين.
طريقة كتابة المبالغ في الشيك بالحروف بالعربية:
1000 الف دينار جزائري
2000 الفين دينار جزاري
3000 ثلاثة الاف دينار جزائري
4000 اربعة الاف دينار جزائري
5000 خمسة الاف دينار جزائري
6000 ستة الاف دينار جزائري
7000 سبعة الاف دينار جزائري
8000 ثمانية الاف دينار جزائري
9000 تسعة الاف دينار جزائري
10000 عشرة الاف دينار جزائري
11000 احدي عشر الف دينار جزائري
11500 احدي عشر الف و خمس مائة دينار جزائري
12000 اثني عشر الف دينار جزائري
13000 ثلاثة عشر الف دينار جزائري
14000 أربعة عشر الف دينار جزائري
15000 خمسة عشر الف دينار جزائري
15500 خمسة عشر الف و خمس مائة دينار جزائري
16000 ستة عشر الف دينار جزائري
17000 سبعة عشر الف دينار جزائري
18000 ثمانية عشر ألف دينار جزائري
18500 ثمانية عشر الف و خمس مائة دينار جزائري
19000 تسعة عشر الف دينار جزالری
20000 عشرون الف دينار جزائري
20500 عشرون ألف و خمس مائة دينار جزائري
21000 واحد وعشرون ألف دينار جزائري
22000 اثنان وعشرون ألف دينار جزائري
23000 ثلاثة و عشرون ألف دينار جزائري
24000 أربعة وعشرون الف دينار جزائري
24500 أربعة و عشرون ألف و خمس مائة دينار جزائري
25000 خمسة وعشرون الف دينار جزائري
26000 ستة وعشرون ألف دينار جزائري
27000 سبعة وعشرون ألف دينار جزائري
28000 ثمانية وعشرون الف دينار جزائري
28500 ثمانية و عشرون الف و خمس مائة دينار جزائري
29000 تسعة وعشرون الف دينار جزائري
29500 تسعة وعشرون الف وخمس مائة دينار جزائري
30000 ثلاثون ألف دينار جزائري
31000 واحد وثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
32000 اثنان وثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
32500 اثنان وثلاثون الف وخمس مائة دينار جزائري
33000 ثلاثة وثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
34000 أربعة و ثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
35000 خمسة وثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
35500 خمسة وثلاثون الف وخمس مائة دينار
36000 ستة وثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
37000 سبعة و ثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
38000 ثمانية و ثلاثون ألف دينار جزائري
39000 تسعة وثلاثون الف دينار جزائري
39500 تسعة وثلاثون ألف وخمس مائة دينار
40000 اربعون الف دينار جزائري
41000 واحد واربعون الف دينار جزائري
42000 اثنان وأربعون الف جزائري
43000 ثلاثة و أربعون الف دينار جزائري
44000 اربعة و أربعون ألف دينار جزائري
45000 خمسة و أربعون ألف دينار
كيفية كتابة المبالغ في الشيك بالحروف بالفرنسية:
1000 mille dinars
1500: mille cinq cents dinars
2000 deux mille dinars
3000 Trois mille dinars
4000 quatre mille dinars
5000 Cinq mille dinars
6000 six mille dinars
7.000 sept mille dinars
8.000 huit mille dinars
9000 neuf mille dinars
10000 dix mille dinars
11000 onze mille
11500 onze mille cinq cents dinars
12.000 douze mille dinars
13000 treize mille dinars
14000 quatorze mille dinars
15.000 quinze mille dinars
15500 quinze mille cinq cents dinars
16.000 seize mille dinars
17.000 dix-sept mille dinars
18000 dix-huit mille dinars
18500 dix-huit mille cinq cents dinars
19000 dix-neuf mille dinars
20000 vingt mille dinars
يهمك أيضا:
- طلب بطاقة الدفع الالكترونية الذهبية – edcarte.poste.dz
- كتابة الأرقام على شكل حروف على شيك بريد الجزائر – تطبيق CCP DZ
from مدونة التربية والتعليم في الجزائر 2023 | الموقع الأول للدراسة https://ift.tt/qdMaZI6
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142