شروط التسجيل في بكالوريا 2021 للمتمدرسين والأحرار bac dz
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 446
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
شروط التسجيل في بكالوريا للمتمدرسين والأحرار bac.onec.dz |
شروط التسجيل في بكالوريا 2021 للمتمدرسين والأحرار:
على كل مترشح يريد التسجيل في البكالوريا أن يطلع على شروط التسجيل في البكالوريا
شروط التسجيل في البكالوريا :
الشرط الأول :
على المترشح أن يحترم رزنامة الامتحان :
– تنطلق التسجيلات إبتداءا من 03 جانفي 2021 الى غاية 28 جانفي 2021
– تسليم الملف الإداري على كل مترشح أن يسلم ملفه الورقي إلى المؤسسة التي يتبعها في الفترة المحددة في الإعلانات.
– التأكد من عملية التسجيل.
– سحب الاستدعاء بداية من 20 ماي المقبل.
– ملاحظة 01 : عدم احترام الرزنامة قد يحرمكم من الترشح إلى امتحان البكالوريا.
– ملاحظة 02 : يستعمل برنامج التسجيل في موقع الديوان نظام الكوكيز.cookies
– ملاحظة 03 : لا يحق التسجيل في امتحان البكالوريا للمترشحين الذين هم في حالة عقوبة بسبب حالة الغش إلا للذين قضوا فترة عقوبتهم.
الشرط الثاني :
المترشح هو المسؤول الوحيد عن معلوماته :
يتأكد المترشح من المعلومات الخاصة به : اللقب، الاسم، تاريخ ومكان الميلاد، شعبته…إلخ
ملاحظة: لا يتحمل الديوان الوطني للامتحانات و المسابقات مسؤولية اي خطأ في المعلومات المصرح بها من قبل المترشحين.
الشرط الثالث :
على كل مترشح أن يكوّن ملفا إداريا -أنظر في الأسفل- ويقوم بتسليمه شخصيا إلى:
بالنسبة للمتمدرسين : يسلم الملف إلى المؤسسة التي يدرس بها.
بالنسبة لمترشحي المركز الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد : إلى المراكز الجهوية التابع لها المترشح.
بالنسبة للأحرار : إلى مديريات التربية للولاية التي يقطن بها المترشح.
الشرط الرابع :
الملف الإداري الخاص بالمتمدرسين :
يخص هذا الشرط كل متمدرسي المؤسسات العمومية والمدارس الخاصة.
يتكون الملف من :
01 – استمارة التسجيل الإلكتونية – تطبع من الموقع بعد قيامكم بعملية التسجيل.
02 – شهادة اصدار حوالة بريدية – تطبع من الموقع.
03 – شهادة مدرسية.
ملاحظة رقم 01 : يتأكد المترشح أن المعلومات المحجوزة صحيحة. كما يتأكد من صحة المعلومات باللغة الفرنسية وكذلك عنوانه الشخصي…إلخ
ملاحظة رقم 02 : لا بد على كل مترشح إيداع ملفه الإداري في المؤسسة التابع لها في الآجال المحددة في الإعلانات.
الشرط الخامس :
الملف الإداري الخاص بالأحرار :
يخص هذا الشرط كل المترشحين الأحرار و مترشحي الديوان الوطني للتعليم و التكوين عن بعد .
يتكون الملف من:
01 – إستمارة التسجيل الإلكتونية – تطبع من الموقع بعد قيامكم بعملية التسجيل.
02 – بالنسبة لمترشحي مديريات التربية: شهادة مدرسية تثبث مستوى السنة الثالثة من التعليم الثانوي أو التقني اصلية ومصادق عليها من قبل رئيس المؤسسة أو شهادة إثبات المستوى أصلية تسلم من المركز الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد.
-أما بالنسبة لمترشحي المركز الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عند بعد:
01 – شهادة التسجيل في البكالوريا لهذه الدورة أصلية تسلم من المركز الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد.
02 – استمارة التربية البدنية والرياضية تستخرج من الموقع أو متوفرة على مستوى مديريات التربية.
03 – شهادة الإقامة.
04 – شهادة اصدار حوالة بريدية – تطبع من الموقع.
ملاحظة رقم 01 : يتأكد المترشح أن المعلومات المحجوزة تطابق تماما شهادة ميلاده.
ملاحظة رقم 02 : على المترشح أن يقدم إستمارة التسجيل الإلكترونية الخاصة به لطبيب محلف وذلك قبل تسليمها إلى المديرية أو المركز التابع له. إن الطبيب المحلف هو الوحيد الذي يقرر بـ كفاءة أو عدم كفاءة اجتيازكم لاختبار التربية البدنية والرياضية.
ملاحظة رقم 03 : لا بد على الأحرار إيداع ملفهم الإداري إلى مديريات التربية التابعين لها قبل التاريخ المحدد .
ملاحظة رقم 04 : لا بد لمترشحي الديوان الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد أن يودعوا ملفاتهم الى المراكز التابعين لها قبل التاريخ المحدد.
الشرط السادس :
التربية البدنية للاحرار :
هام جدا : إجراء اختبار مادة التربية البدنية والرياضية في شهر مارس و في حالة عدم استلامكم للاستدعاء الخاص بالتربية البدنية يجب التقرب من مديرية التريية .
تنبيه : في حالة غيابكم تتحصلون على علامة الصفر
الشرط السابع :
حقوق التسجيل في البكالوريا :
تختلف حقوق التسجيل حسب نوع الترشح.
– المتمدرسون: يجب على كل متمدرس مترشح للبكالوريا المساهمة في بمبلغ 1500 دج.
– الأحرار الذين لم يسبق لهم ان حصلوا على البكالوريا الجزائرية:يساهمون بمبلغ 3000 دج.
– الأحرار الذين سبق لهم ان حصلوا على البكالوريا الجزائرية:يساهمون بمبلغ 5000 دج.
كيف تدفع حقوق التسجيل؟
1-قم بطبع شاهدة “إصدار حوالة بريدية”
2-تتجه إلى مكتب الريد وتسدد مصاريف التسجيل بملء حوالة الدفع الصفراء، المتوفرة على مستوى المؤسسات المستقبلة.
3-احتفظ بالوصل ولا تنسى طلب ختم الجزء الأسفل من شهادة إصدار الحوالة البريدية.
• ملاحظة : يتم التسجيل عبر الموقع الرسمي للتسجيل في شهادة البكالوريا
الموقع الرسمي للتسجيل في شهادة البكالوريا
كل مايخص تسجيلات شهادة البكالويا:
- من يحق له التسجيل في امتحان شهادة البكالوريا ؟
- موعد التسجيل في بكالوريا 2021 للمتمدرسين النظاميين أو الأحرار
- الملف الإداري الخاص بالمتمدرسين في بكالوريا 2021
- الملف الإداري الخاص بالأحرار في بكالوريا 2021
- ملف التسجيل في شهادة البكالوريا 2021
- كيف يتم دفع حقوق التسجيل في البكالوريا
- كيف تدفع حقوق التسجيل في بكالوريا 2021
- حقوق التسجيل في امتحان شهادة البكالوريا 2021
- موقع التسجيل في بكالوريا 2021 bac onec dz
- استخراج وطبع الاستمارة الإلكترونية الخاصة بسجيلات بكالوريا 2021
from مدونة التربية والتعليم | طريقك لتحقيق النجاح https://ift.tt/3b69mGK
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php on line 111
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'var_array' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] It seems that you are filtering on a parameter 'extract_type' of the function 'extract', but the parameter does not exists. in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 0 parameter's name: 'array' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 1 parameter's name: 'flags' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142
Warning: [snuffleupagus][][config][log] - 2 parameter's name: 'prefix' in /home/dznet/public_html/wp-content/themes/jannah/framework/functions/post-functions.php on line 1142